The bus to Seoul is about 3hours.
At the reunion, some people gave presentations. Lindsey presented her video she made about her time as a TaLK scholar. After the presenting and ceremony stuff was done we went to see a show called Fanta Stick. It was similar to Cookin' Nanta that we saw during orientation, but this time it wasn't a kitchen, but a mechanic garage, musician ghosts and a Romeo and Juliet love story. We got to get pictures with the cast. I have another picture to add to my collection of strange, Korean toilet signs.
That night we went out for Italian and drinks and stayed in a super nice hotel. We were on the 10th floor, I had a room to myself, and a great view. We ended up watching the 2nd half of The Birds and I french braided Lindsey's hair.

Here you can see that the Korean rainy season has started. We had terrible rain the whole day. The TaLK office gave us all ponchos. Unfortunately as you can see from Lindsey in the next pic, the hoods made us look like the KKK. I decided I'd rather have wet hair.
We got a special pic of all the Eastern peeps who were at the reunion. Represent!!
They are trying to show the DMZ as a wonderful wildlife area thus the dioramas. They seem to suffer from giant grasshoppers and radioactive ducks the size of deer. It makes me not want to drink DMZ brand water now.

A model of the North Korea soldiers digging one of the secret tunnels under the DMZ and into South Korea.
I got to go down into the third tunnel. The South Korea built tunnel that they made to reach the North Korean tunnel is really steep, but wide. The North Korean tunnel is maybe three people shoulder to shoulder wide and just over half my height tall. Okay, a little exaggeration, but still, I felt like I was bent in half the whole journey.

Jenny with a South Korean soldier.
Another Korean bathroom sign. The toilet paper must taste REALLY bad. I have to say, I've never tried it.
My reward from the TaLK office, for completing my term here and for attending the Farewell Reunion. It sucks for everyone who decided not to go cuz they thought it'd be lame. This stereo says TaLK on the top and NIIED on the bottom. Both are offices that are responsible for me being here. This lights up too!!